The Bridge, Issue #4 – Newsletter of the International Social Capital Association

The Bridge, Issue #4 – Newsletter of the International Social Capital Association


Dear Esteemed Members and Colleagues,

Welcome to the latest edition of The Bridge – Newsletter of the International Social Capital Association. As we embark on this journey of knowledge exchange and scholarly discourse, we are delighted to bring you a curated collection of insights, updates, and accomplishments that reflect the vibrant spirit of our academic community.

This edition will feature an interview with Beverley Sloan Ph.D., a valued member of ISCA and regular facilitator of a recurring Social Capital Research Design and Methods course with ISCA.

We are also very excited to announce the initial details of our first conference to be held in Dubai in 2026.

We would like to thank all our members for their commitment and involvement in ISCA. And we’d like to hear from you, and get your input on our future plans. Your dedication and enthusiasm continue to shape the International Social Capital Association (ISCA). Your invaluable support fuels our mission to create a platform where ideas and connections flourish.

Download a PDF of this newsletter


Many members know Dr. Sloan through her free, recurring Social Capital Research Design and Methods course with ISCA. Dr. Sloan has a PhD in Organisational Leadership from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She is a veteran of the United States Air Force with more than 32 years of service. Her leisure activity includes mentoring masters and doctoral candidates on research practices.

Dr. Beverly Sloan’s journey into the intricacies of social capital began during her tenure as a liaison officer at the Pentagon from 2006 to 2009. In this role, Dr. Sloan was responsible for representing the concerns and issues of her organization, acting as the voice for the combatant command commander, the CEO-equivalent, and other major principals. She was often thrust into situations that required her to navigate the complexities of the Pentagon, handling critical issues and “putting out fires” at all levels. Dr. Sloan humorously referred to herself as “Jane, Girl Friday,” a testament to her versatile and resourceful approach in a high-pressure environment.

During her time at the Pentagon, Dr. Sloan unwittingly began to build what she later identified as social capital. At the time, she didn’t label it as such; instead, she saw it as a coalition of the “willing,” a network, or a favor bank that allowed her to effectively and efficiently get things done. This network, built on informal ties and mutual favors, became an invaluable tool in navigating the often rigid and bureaucratic processes of the Pentagon.

Driven by a desire to understand the forces that held this network together, Dr. Sloan embarked on her dissertation research, focusing on the dynamics that motivated members of the Pentagon network to be exemplary organizational citizens. The tasks they faced were often complex and time-sensitive, requiring them to work beyond their prescribed duties. It was their ability to circumvent bureaucratic obstacles and complete tasks efficiently that sparked Dr. Sloan’s interest in social capital theory.

Her practical experience at the Pentagon provided Dr. Sloan with a unique perspective on social capital, not just as a theoretical concept but as a functional tool that enabled her and her colleagues to achieve their goals. The network they formed, characterized by its informal ties, structural holes, and bonding and bridging, allowed them to bypass formal systems and expedite processes. This real-world application of social capital theory intrigued Dr. Sloan and fueled her desire to explore the field further.

As her interest in social capital deepened, Dr. Sloan joined a social capital Facebook group, where she became an active participant. She shared her experiences at the Pentagon through talks and lessons, answered research-related questions, and taught lessons on conducting a literature review. This engagement further enriched her understanding of social capital theory and its practical implications.

When the Facebook group transitioned into the International Social Capital Association, Dr. Sloan continued her involvement. Listening to the concerns of other members about the challenges of understanding the research process, she took the initiative to develop a series of six lessons designed to provide a framework for completing research. The discussions within the group highlighted a common struggle—despite having taken numerous research courses, many members still found the research process confusing. Dr. Sloan’s lessons aimed to clarify this process, offering guidance and support to those navigating the complex world of research.

Through her work, both at the Pentagon and within the International Social Capital Association, Dr. Sloan has become a vital contributor to the field of social capital, blending practical experience with academic inquiry to enhance the understanding and application of this important theory.

When asked what she values the most from her ISCA membership, Dr. Sloan responded,

An organization like ISCA has endless talent and resources. It is a place where we can pool talent and build the capital needed to complete the work. We all have our strengths, but we also have weaknesses and things that we would like to do better. Social capital organizations can provide the resources to shore up where we need help. Organizations like ISCA are a continuous fountain of learning and resources. I believe we should be learners forever, and ISCA is a great place to engage in that endeavor.

2024 International Social Capital Association (ISCA) Association General Meeting (AGM)

Join us for our Annual General Meeting, which will be held across two sessions to allow members across all time zones the opportunity to participate. Members may attend one or both sessions – the same information will be provided at both sessions.

At the AGM, members will have an opportunity to review the organisation’s progress and to vote for Directors to the Board.

The AGM will be held on Zoom. All members will receive a link by email to join the AGM. If you have not received your invite link, please first check your spam email and contact for further help.

2026 ISCA Conference

ISCA is delighted to announce that we will hold our first international conference on social capital in Dubai in February 2026. The tentative details are as follows:

February 19-22, 2026
Heriot-Watt University
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

We have seen significant interest in a conference dedicated to social capital. The conference aims to foster dialogue and collaboration among researchers in social capital, exploring new research, practical applications, and policy implications.

We are in the early stages of planning this conference. Further details will be available soon. Please save the date and register your interest to receive updates.

The conference will include keynote presentations by leading scholars, submitted presentations and posters, workshops and learning opportunities, and social activities and events.

Update from Sunbelt

We are delighted to share some highlights from our recent participation in the Sunbelt Conference. The event proved to be a tremendous success for ISCA, with significant engagement and contributions from our members.

We hosted a short but productive ISCA meeting with seven of our dedicated members. Our information desk at the conference garnered significant interest, leading to many new memberships. We extend a warm welcome to all our new members!

During the current conference, we organized five social capital sessions featuring 15 presentations, all chaired by our esteemed board member, Dame Prof. Dr. Heather McGregor. The sessions were well attended, reflecting the growing interest in our field.

Several of our members presented their work successfully, showcasing the impactful research and developments within ISCA. Additionally, we had an offline board meeting, a unique experience for everyone involved.

In total, our participation in the Sunbelt Conference was highly rewarding. This was our first but certainly not our last involvement in this prestigious event. We are excited to recommend the next Sunbelt Conference in Paris to all our members. It promises to be an enriching experience.

If you are planning to attend any conferences and wish to share information about ISCA, please let us know, and we will provide you with the necessary materials.

From ISCA Board Director, Alice Campbell:

The 2024 Join Up! Tour

The producers of the new documentary, “Join or Die,” which explores community, the loneliness crisis, and Robert Putnam’s “Bowling Alone” research, have launched a community tour for the Summer of 2024. Their aim is to book 100 community screenings of “Join or Die” with civic groups, campuses, congregations, companies, and community institutions across America, and beyond. The theme of this documentary aligns closely with the tenets of our organization, and the ISCA Board encourages members to host a community screening if they are interested.

Sharing this film is an opportunity to bring people together in person, foster dialogue and promote understanding on issues that resonate among us. This initiative mirrors the documentary’s theme — coming together.

How to Participate

If you are interested in hosting a community screening you may email the directors at to initiate the process. For more information, please refer to the Community Screening Guide.

When communicating with the directors, please indicate that you are a member of ISCA. We can provide ISCA graphics to use with your event if you would like to identify the associated events to which our organization contributes. Also, ISCA can publicize your event if you would like to include local members to attend as well! We appreciate your ongoing dedication to our shared goals and look forward to hearing about your experiences with the screenings.

If you cannot host a screening, you may be able to catch a showing at a local theatre – the film has recently entered limited availability in some communities! Or have a listen to Bob Putnam’s conversation on The New York Times’ The Interview podcast here .

Recent Research Articles

Social capital plays a critical role in shaping various aspects of society, from government policies and economic behaviors to community development and online interactions. Research in this field highlights how social networks, trust, and relationships influence growth, decision-making, and resilience across different contexts. The following papers provide insights into how social capital impacts areas such as government expenditures and economic growth, the role of key actors in community-driven change, the relationship between social connections and household financial behaviors, the potential of digital technologies in enhancing social capital, and innovative strategies for improving personalized recommendations in online social networks.

For a deeper dive into these topics, you can explore the full papers linked below:

Social Capital, Government Expenditures, and Growth by Ponzetto and Troiano

The Role of Driving Actors in Social Capital Utilization in the Community by Rozuli, Durba, Negroho, Muzakki

Friends with Benefits: Social Capital and Household Financial Behavior by Cannon, Hirshleifer, Thornton

An Assessment of Potential Improvements in Social Capital, Risk Awareness, and Preparedness from Digital Technologies by Piseddu, Englund, and Barquet

Social Capital and Community Development by Nyamari

Unlocking the Power of Social Capital: Advanced Strategies for Enhanced Personalized Recommendations in Online Social Networks by de Souza and Durao

Economic Connectedness

Many Americans today live in silos. As communities remain economically stratified, it is easy to be surrounded by those who share the same socioeconomic background. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences is launching a new resource to help bridge these economic divides. The website explains why economic connectedness matters and features case studies of neighborhoods, schools, and programs that are effectively fostering cross-class relationships. Join the Academy on September 12 for a virtual event discussing how to build the connections that improve lives and strengthen communities. 


Visit the ISCA events page for Interest Group schedules and access.

  • ISCA Webinar Series with Tristan Claridge
  • Disaster Resilience with Jeff Donaldson
  • Social Capital Paradigm with Tristan Claridge
  • Research Design and Mentoring with Beverly Sloan

Mighty Networks

Our community platform has been a bit quiet lately, so we have decided to improve access by making it available to non-members as well as members. This means you can invite people to join, even if they are not a member of ISCA. This will remove the barriers to participation and encourage more people to get involved. As our interest groups start to develop, this will be important to provide an easily accessible platform for interest group discussions. To invite someone to our Mighty Networks community, go to and copy the link or you can invite people by email directly from that page. Be an ambassador for our association and get recognition for helping us grow.

ISCA Webinar Series

Our webinar series has been running since April 2020 with presentations by prominent scholars and practitioners including Prof Robert Putnam, Prof Eric Uslaner, Prof Lindon Robison, Prof Daniel Aldrich and many more.

Our webinar series provides a platform for people to share their research or their practical applications of social capital with an international audience.

Click here to submit a proposal to present in the ISCA Webinar Series.

Visit the ISCA events page to register for upcoming webinars.


Are you using social capital theory in your research and public-facing writing? Please submit information about your work so we can share it on our website. Listings will not include the full text, but links to text or downloads can be included. Go to this survey to submit


We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have about ISCA. ISCA board members can be contacted through the Governance page.

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