Information for your profile
Please complete the form below so that we can build your public nominee profile on the website, and make the information available to members and interested parties via social media and email. We will not make public the information you have already submitted without your consent. You are welcome to resubmit some of the same information/details you submitted previously for use in your public profile if you would like.
Your Nominee Profile is an opportunity for members to get to know you and why they should vote for you to be elected to the board or office holder position.
Once we have built all the profiles on the website, we will check with you that the information is displayed correctly and we will change any errors or omissions.
Please submit by 8am UTC, August 27, 2024
Submit your information
Explanation and Instructions
Please enter your first name and last name (surname or family name). Please add any titles to your written statement. In the interests of inclusivity, we ask that everyone please indicate their pronouns.
Profile Photo
If you would like your photo to be displayed, please upload an image of at least 200 pixels by 200 pixels. The circle is automatically masked on the image, you only need to upload a normal photo. If you prefer not to have a photo on your profile, an avatar will be displayed instead.
Please select the country where you live.
Written statement
Your statement should include a brief summary of your relevant skills and experience, reasons for nominating, and why members should vote for you. Your statement should be a maximum of 300 words.
Video Statement
A short video can be a great way for members to get to know you quickly. If you want to provide a video statement, please either upload a video file or provide a link to the video you YouTube or a publicly accessible file-sharing service. The video should be a maximum of two minutes.
Note: Due to the short notice to prepare this video, you are welcome to submit this form without a video and send a video later to be added to your profile.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
If you would like your CV to be available, please upload a PDF file of no more than three pages.
LinkedIn Profile
Please enter the URL of your LinkedIn profile if you would like it included.
Professional Profile or Personal Website
You can have a link to a professional profile, such as on your employer’s website, or a link to your profile on your own personal website.
Comment / Instructions
If you want to tell us anything to help us build your profile correctly, please include it here. You can also email
Example Profile
Below is an example of what the profile will look like on the website.