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  • Are you interested in social capital?
  • Do you have questions about social capital research or practical applications?
  • Would you like to share you experience and help others?

Join Tristan Claridge, the President of the International Social Capital Association, for a casual discussion about social capital over a cup of tea (literally or figuratively). Tea Time with Tristan is a supportive way to connect with people. You can ask questions, get advice, discuss ideas or issues, get suggestions for literature to read, or you can just listen. This session is an opportunity to share your experience and expertise with others. It’s a great way to take part in discourse related to social capital and find opportunities for mutual learning and the potential for collaboration.

How will the session work?

The session will be based on questions submitted by participants and will include general discussions of social capital and related concepts. The session will focus on the theoretical and practical application of the concept including its use in research.

Submit the question you want to be answered or the issue you would like discussed when you register for the session.

Who will run the workshop?

Tristan Claridge, President of ISCA, will facilitate this session. Tristan has been researching social capital for over 20 years. He has explored the theoretical foundations of the concept and much of his work aims to bring conceptual and theoretical clarification.

Access requirements

We seek to make our events accessible, and this is no exception. If there is something that will help you to engage more effectively in this session, please email us on: events@intsocialcapital.org. Sometimes, it’s the small things that make a big difference, so do email us if you have an access request.

We recognise that not all participants are able to attend all sessions for the full duration. You are free to join us and leave at any time during the session.

We request that you have your name on Zoom (this can be just a first name) to make it easier for us to facilitate the session and address participants correctly. It helps to have cameras on, but we recognise that sometimes this isn’t possible, for a variety of reasons.