WEBINAR: Dr Evangelos Ntontis: What lies beyond social capital? Social identities and community resilience to climate change

Climate change is increasing the prevalence and impact of extreme events, which may have severe psychosocial aftereffects for the people and communities who are affected. To mitigate their impact, governments advocate developing community resilience. I will discuss the use of social capital as a concept in mitigating these effects, as well as its limitations.

WEBINAR: Assoc. Prof. Paul Haynes: Assembling Social Capital

This presentation begins by identifying some of the weaknesses of the social capital concept and offers an approach with which to address these limitations. Using insights from the work of Deleuze and Guattari (but not DeLanda!), social capital can be retrofitted into social assemblages. This promises to give more specificity to the structure of social capital and more insight into the mechanisms through which assemblages are shaped.
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